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Recovery Happens Big Success 2023


2023 Recovery Happens Month is over, but the recovery journey continues. On the 20th VORSMC hosted a wonderful Recovery Picnic out in the sunshine at Coyote Point. People had fun in recovery, ate, and shared in the community. The Recovery Dance on the 30th was also a wonderful event. There were lots of laughs with a great Comedian, people got their groove on, all with a spectacular Recovery spirit, out at P90’s friendship hall. Thank you to all our Recovery Programs, the community of Peers, and our volunteers. A special Thank you to all our donors. This month seventeen towns and cities across San Mateo County as well as the Board of Supervisors issued proclamations proclaiming and celebrating Recovery Happens Month. We are grateful for all our partners who shared in the joy of Recovery this month. If you missed these events or if you are seeking support for yourself or someone else, please reach out to Voices of Recovery. You can contact us at the bottom of the page. Next Recovery Happens will take planning and support as well. Stay tuned for information on how you can participate in the planning of next year’s events!


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